
Farewell Dymsy

Luke Shirlaw

If you hadn’t heard of Luke Shirlaw or ‘Dyms’ before, you haven’t been paying close enough attention to Ironlak. Luke has been the creative backbone of the Ironlak brand from it’s conception in 2002 to present day. We often joke in the office about what Ironlak would be without him; and we must say, it’d

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Canadian Maple

Ironlak Family member MAPLE took a little spray vacay in the land of plenty recently. We got a first hand account and he sent us the flicks to prove it. “I flew into Toronto and then got the worst food poisoning for the first day, just destroyed. It was awful, I puked into a five

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Escape into Action!

‘Rust Magic’ is a mural festival held in Edmonton, Canada. 2017 marks the festival’s second round of murals with an all round banging line-up featuring some of the best doing it. Our boy MAST was there heating things up this year. Here’s the firsthand account from the star of this action thriller. “I was super

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Somnambulists – Part 3: ‘Greetings from Genoa’

Somnambulism [som-nam-byuh-liz-uh-m] Noun: A condition that is characterised by walking while asleep or in a hypnotic trance. ‘Somnambulists’ is a six part film series that follows the actions of RETRO & MAIDE on their recent winter adventure around Italy. The series takes a fresh approach to filming, editing and track selection which results in high-end

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