JURNE and MUCH | ‘Three Is A Charm’ – An Ironlak Project.

There are 830,490 different ways to lay down a three colour combo (fill, outline, background) with Ironlak’s current roster of colours. JURNE and MUCH brained a new Ironlak project to get those juices flowing.

“MUCH and I started “Three is a Charm” with the goal of making painting graffiti, something that’s already fun to do, be even more fun. Plus, everyone loves a challenge.
Having colour use be the primary focus of the “Three is a Charm” project brings choosing colours to the forefront of painting a piece, something that has always been secondary to letter structure for each of us.

For each piece, we discuss colour combinations that seemed offbeat or unusual, and then narrow the combinations to groups of three. Where and how the three colours will be layed down is kept quiet until the following morning. Beyond the three main colours, we get to throw in a fourth ‘secret weapon’ colour of our choice, but agreed that it couldn’t be used for more that 5-10% of the given piece. After the colour combo is designated, each of us goes and paints using the ingredient list. Afterwards, we showed each other what we did, and are always surprised with the results.

As luck would have it, we put our colors in the same place and came close to choosing the same secret weapon on our first challenge.” –Jurne.

Round One: Real’s Sublime, Swamp and Guacamole.
JURNE’s Secret Weapon: Dieci Does.
MUCH’s Secret Weapon: Soviet.
JURNE, MUCH, graffiti, Ironlak

Round Two: Flirt, Blaze and Roarke.
JURNE’s Secret Weapon: Field.
MUCH’s Secret Weapon: Hunter.
JURNE, MUCH, graffiti, Ironlak

JURNE, MUCH, graffiti, Ironlak

Stay tuned for more charm from JURNE and MUCH!

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