
Wert159, Reko, Askew, Oche, Snek, Kerso, Shake by Stray, Bles275, Holie, Saves, Stray by Shake, PhatOne, Finer, Lady Diva, Brato, Royl by Jaes, Vents, graffiti, Ironlak

IRONLAK BBQ BURNERS – Auckland, New Zealand – November, 2010.

A true testiment to the spirit of the Kiwi’s, we arrived in Auckland for this year’s BBQ Burners to find a massive wall with the instructions; “you must paint all the way to the top.” With not much time for beers the local writers spent most of the day up and down ladders, completely focussed

IRONLAK BBQ BURNERS – Auckland, New Zealand – November, 2010. Read More »