Cop the rewind and then buckle in for part two of ‘The B-Line Killers’ featuring Brisbane’s infamous TBK Crew. To rub the concept into your brain muscle a little more – eight graffiti writers from TBK painted four separate walls across Brizzy City. Each wall was a two-name join-up, with all four walls forming like Voltron for the ultimate eight-name stitcher. Eight writers. Four locations. One join-up. Ya dig?
It’s as Bore explained: “With measurements and a plan to be able to stitch up the photos of four joints into one bangin’ join-up. Fingers crossed anyway.”
Lucky those fingers were crossed. Peep the final video to see how it all came together. Did it work? Well, we just said fingers were crossed, yeah?
Catch part one of The B-Line Killers over here.
On with the bio, and on with the show.
The B–Line Killers was formed loosely in 1995 by a small breakaway group from Brisbane’s notorious THC crew. Namely REALS, DCIDE, BORE, DEOHE, and ACHE, and a few others that have come and gone over the years.
TBK take their name from the train line they all grew up on – the Beenleigh Line, or B-Line for short. And ‘Killers’? well, work it out, mate.
Roll the credits:
Shot/ Cut: OBLVS
Lazy Grey, Jake Biz, & Dcide – ‘Fitzgerald Enquiry’
Artists: Bleks, Bore, Cure, Deos, Dizne, Eric B, Meks, & Reals
The IG handles: @priestee, @ericbtattoo, @_meksy, @oneighth, @sixcar, @gipsiesix, and @whodafukisdiz

Ironlak is available in Brisbane at Crush City.