You may have caught our Get To Know interview with Mr. Mars Studios in May last year. We just came across this introduction video featuring toy customizer, Marshall ‘Mr. Mars’ Ballantyne, in his studio.
Going by the name Mr. Mars, Marshall has been creating designer toys for about six years. As an airbrush artist, he often works with discarded spray cans, saving them from the trash, combining them with old toys and magically working them into something new and exciting – customized designer toys that are exploding with colour, as though the toy living inside the spray can had escaped right through the metal side. In the video, you get a quick look inside his studio and the process to create these crazy works, plus he fills us in on his connection to the work and making them for himself.
In addition to the video above, we thought we’d share an update of recent upcycled Ironlak spray cans works that Mr. Mars produced over Halloween and the Christmas holiday period. There’s Bad Beetlejuice, Mad Mikey of Ninja Turtles fame, and Bustin’ Bebop, to name a few. Anyone who grew up through the 90s would be feeling mad nostalgic right now. We hope you bug out on them as much as we do. You Star Wars nerds are gonna wild out on a few, that’s for sure.
Follow @mrmarsstudios on Instagram, and hit his website up right huree: