As we continue with our coverage of the Ironlak BBQ Burners series, we hog-tie TUES and MEKS, and head deep-north to, what was actually, our first BBQ destination of the year – Townsville, North Queensland.
It’s a small scene in TSV and we had a fun one linking with the locals to spruce up the CRE8IVE SK8 car park wall behind the shop. Ado from CRE8IVE has been a big supporter of action sports and graffiti culture in the ’ville, and of us at Lak. In-fact CRE8IVE SK8 was one of the first-ever stockists of Ironlak when we first started in the early 2000s.
This day was no different – Ado turned on the hospitality for all in attendance, going all-in on one of the most epic BBQ feeds we’ve had to date – including 18-hour slow-cooked brisket from Serial Grillers. There were 15 writers in attendance, and the day’s festivities featured a Hip Hop gig with DJs all arvo, and a performance from local crew Townsvillains. It made for a bit of a party vibe.
Thanks to Ado at CRE8IVE SK8, Daniel at Serial Grillers, and all the locals for coming out.
Roll the credits:
Shot: Cooper Crothers
Music: Blakroc – ‘What You Do To Me’ (instrumental)
Intro text: Luke Shirlaw (Artillery Projects)

Ironlak is available in Townsville at CRE8IVE SK8 – 5/244 Ross River Rd, Aitkenvale QLD 4814. Follow them on Instagram: @cre8ivesk8