As Australia hits record heat temperatures this week, it definitely makes us glad that we jumped across to Perth early with some September Spring in our steps, ahead of this summer-heat-monstrosity that we’re facing now! Spring, summer, or winter though – the Western Australian’s were delivering the heat regardless (insert mailman pun here – something, something, rain, hail, or shine).
To set the tone, we strapped REALS and BASIX to a Boeing, and bon voyaged their arses all the way to the other side of the country. Day one saw the travelers jump straight into The Butcher Shop to grab some sprays, and then over to the wall in Northbridge to rock a tidy two-namer. The local crew put in a good effort to look after us, hanging tight all day. We are grateful for that.
Day two, it was time for the officially, official; Ironlak BBQ Burners – Perth event. After scooping the Lak, we pulled up at a local youth centre for the BBQ event. REALS and BASIX were painting either side of local old school king PROMISE, in addition, 10-15 local writers were jamming right the way around the building. It was a hostile takeover – the car park, the skate ramp – the entire circumference of the compound got sprayed.
A marvelous day was had, and the Lak crew kicked on for some beers in the car park afterward. Being Perth, I’m sure someone probably whipped out a mini speaker for an impromptu car park boogie at some point. One thing’s for sure, return flights were 100% missed!
Thanks to our co-host The Butcher Shop – and all the locals for looking after us.
Ironlak is available in Perth at The Butcher Shop. Follow them on Instagram:@the_butcher_shop
Roll the credits:
Shot: Cooper Crothers
Music: Tru Genesis – ‘Messages’
Artists: @5o3k, @biroess, @k_n_o_c_k, @mrbasix, @oneigthth, @the_prom_bomb, @2bitgrifter, & @_c.fued_
Intro text: Luke Shirlaw (Artillery Projects)