SKARY is a graffiti writer and tattooer from the east coast of Australia. He’s lived all over and currently calls Sydney city home. Recently he was in Brisbane visiting friends and doing a guest spot at Seventh Circle Tattoo in Woolloongabba. We rode shotgun to give you a little insight into his process. Here’s a hint; it sometimes involves the cold amber stuff.
He’s been doing graffiti for most of his life. Starting with tagging at age 12 in the nineties and getting his first piece done around 2001. After constantly admiring the more permanent artform of tattooing from afar, a little over six years ago, SKARY got serious with his tattoo gun and he’s been buzzing away ever since.
He explains: “I’ve always been obsessed with tattoos, especially traditional tattoos. I always like the look – seeing dudes like Bon Scott wear them sooooo well. Tattooing and graffiti are chalk and cheese. Sometimes my years of graffiti might inform my tattooing – especially colour study and drawing style. But obviously, they’re two different ballgames.”
SKARY frequently references The Simpsons, often working famous characters into his graffiti and tattoos. He cites the show as “simply the greatest cartoon ever made” and confesses that the golden years of The Simpsons shaped his life and educated him more than school did. His favourite character? The infamous barkeep Moe. Favourite Moe quote: “I’m better than dirt, well most kinds of dirt.”
Roll the credits:
Shot: Carl Steffan
Artist: SKARY
Music: Cobraman – ‘Bad Feeling’
Intro text: Luke Shirlaw (Artillery Projects)
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