A couple days back, on Thursday, we dropped the video for the Gold Coast leg of our Ironlak BBQ Burners event. Today, we have a grip of photos to present from the day. With 30 something writers in attendance, you know the photo set is heavy.
With summer nearly upon us, we packed the BBQ and hit the road for a chill day of painting in Murwillumbah, NSW. Technically not the Goldie, but the majority of writers on deck were GC locals, with a handful of Mbah locals, Brissy, and Coffs Harbour heads mixed in for good measure. Paint was sprayed, beers were cold, the food was haut, and the sunshine was haut-ter. (Okay, okay!)
Thanks again to our co-host Pharside Skate Shop – and all the writers for holding us down.
Roll the credits:
Photos: OBLVS
Artists: @killjohnkaye, @bigoddzy, @ohwleckxs, @sneksless, @scantda84, @migorang, @nitramosaure, @bunge_izm, @_meksy, @bad_gator, @wtcs_crew, @dwelsy, @meatncheesekebabs, @ifyouwill_, @coldlampin, @ekes1atd, @ozgrafflix, @mrbasix, @maimone, Milesy, Suke, Zarle, Nels
Intro text: Luke Shirlaw (Artillery Projects)

Ironlak is available in Murwillumbah at Pharside Skateshop – 15 Queen St, Murwillumbah NSW 2484