The Miami Dream Exhibition – Auckland. Rimoni’s recap.

Setup was manic with people running left right and centre to get things up and running and at times I felt like I had been cast in an episode of the apprentice with all the on the fly situations that would come up and then get resolved. Have to give credit to Askew, Kost, Tim Webber, Darcelle, Livi, Doug and all those involved for getting this off the ground

“Once the doors were open and the punters were primed, the Auckland Youth Orchestra let rip and then the works were revealed – what a way to do it! To top off the night once it was just the happy few, a couple of locals welcome Revok, Rime, Vans and Jaes with a haka for good measure – orsumness!

“So many people to thank but they are fully aware of who they are – Tiger Beer, Qubic, Invivo, Auckland Youth Orchestra, Red Bull and ALL THE HELPERS FROM FAITH CITY!

“The work though – DAMN the crew came through and delivered! Never been to a show like this and it’s been a pleasure to have been a part of it. Keep an eye open and I might just post up all the pieces in a few :)” -Rimoni TMD.

See a couple of selected shots below. peep the rest on Rimoni’s blog.
Revok, Rime, Vans, Jaes, Artwork, Ironlak
Revok, Rime, Vans, Jaes, Artwork, Ironlak
Revok, Rime, Vans, Jaes, Artwork, Ironlak
Revok, Rime, Vans, Jaes, Artwork, Ironlak
Revok, Rime, Vans, Jaes, Artwork, Ironlak
Revok, Rime, Vans, Jaes, Artwork, Ironlak
Revok, Rime, Vans, Jaes, Artwork, Ironlak

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