‘The Hours’ visit ASKEW’s Studio.

The Hours caught up with ASKEW in his Auckland studio and again on his arrival in Sydney. They spoke with him about his involvement in Wonderwalls Festival and delved a bit deeper into his latest body of work for his first ever Sydney solo show ‘The Evolving Face’ which opens at The Tate in Sydney next week.

Here’s some of the images of his studio in Auckland courtesy of The Hours. See the full interview here.

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

The Hours, ASKEW, Wonderwalls Festival, graffiti, Ironlak

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