Welcome to SPOTLIGHT where we shine some light on burners who consistently bring fire to surfaces of all kinds. Today we feature SERVES High Def Crew

Yo SERVES, where do you call home?
Originally from New Zealand but now call Perth city home
How did you get into graffiti?
Started tagging back in 05 gold cap level 5 tags nothing but damage, entered a graff comp held by the local skate shop in 06 which TMD and GBAK attended saw them piecing and that was the start.

How do you like to describe your style?
Style for me depends on couple things like location and time. Chill day spots and I’ll go to town on a piece
What do you enjoy about graffiti?
For me graffiti is a lifestyle I’m all about the Crew (HIGH DEFS) and getting up. We are a family and love our Sunday bbq jams.

How often do you get out to paint?
Lately only once or twice a week but roll on summer.
Who do you like to paint with?
My brother PURES and the rest of the crew. Me and him always roll together it’s a 2 for 1 killakombo

Who are some of your influences?
Have to pay respect to the TMD (Askew, Phat1, Saves, Mark used to be Dskys) and GBAK (Tawck,Haser,Kerso) they were the ones killing it when I was coming up. Since then I’ve had the opportunity to paint with many writers shouts to the boys over east.
What keeps you motivated?
I’m motivated by the crew and the Perth graff scene. There’s so much talent over here. I feel Perth writers don’t get the recognition they should.

Do you have any graffiti stories?
Graff stories… we would be here for hours. Lots of highs with a few funny lows.

Is there any one you’d like to give a shout out to?
Shouts to HIGH DEFS CREW Pures, Sticker, Sie, Somes, Yikes, Sajek, Raek, Mise, Kyle and Salem.
Check SERVES on instagram: @serves_highdef