Yo RAMS, where do you call home?
Auckland, New Zealand.
How did you first get into graffiti?
The first night I went out specifically to tag was when I was 14, with my mate that I lived with. We went along Highway 16 in West Auckland tagging on power poles haha. I’d say what made us do that was seeing tags in the area and the local abandoned dairy factory fulled with graffiti. It was heaps toy though and I didn’t take it seriously back then. I definitely wouldn’t count those years, but that’s what would have started my interest in graffiti.

How do you like to describe your style?
I feel like it changes naturally over time, from making a conscious effort to improve. Two steps forward one step back kinda thing.

As long overall as you’re going forwards then you’re headed in the right direction. What do you enjoy about graffiti?
I love the aesthetic, the people, the missions, the progress and the dedication. Even the negatives makes the positives better, you can’t have one without the other. I enjoy it all really.

That’s dope that you enjoy it all. How often do you get out to paint?
It varies on how far I can stretch my funds haha. Sometimes once a week, sometimes 4 times a week. Even if I can’t paint, I’m always out finding new ways to do stuff.
Who do you like to paint with?
Anyone that’s a GC and puts in the mahi (work).

Who are some of your influences?
Askew and Berst would be my biggest influences, they’re just full burners. They’re both GCs too and have helped shape my attitude towards graffiti, especially Berst. All my close mates influence me as well. I’d say 90% of my influences are writers and artists from NZ, maybe it’s just the familiarity.
I think a lot of the graffiti I see online gets washed over because there’s so much new stuff constantly popping up. Its’ rad to hear that there’s so much new stuff! Askew and Berst have definitely made a big impact on NZ.
What keeps you motivated?
Graffiti more or less comes first in my life, so I really need to find motivation to not be a shit cunt in the real world haha.

Do you have any graffiti stories?
Me and a few mates went to do this hanger but set off the alarm. We were still pumped to do something, so decided to try pump a quick panel mid arvo. Long story short, there were 10 cunts yelling at us from the hill, the train driver held the horn down the whole time, and a little chase to top it off haha. Everything was cool in the end though, thankfully.
Is there any one you’d like to give a shout out to?
My MFC buddies, the Auckland writers going hard, and all my friends.

Instagram: @rams_one