Welcome to SPOTLIGHT where we shine some light on artists who consistently bring fire to surfaces of all kinds. Today we feature PHIL B

How do you describe your style?
I tend to use the words ‘illustrative style with a street art twist’.
Do you have a style or do you Frankenstein what you feel the piece needs?
I think I’m more of a Frankensteiner because I give myself a specific time frame to work in, I tend to speed paint a fair bit, and the style just flows depending on the subject.

What’s your weapon of choice? Why?
I would definitely have to say Ironlak Pump Action Markers. I love their versatility and amazing colour range. I’ve been using paint pens for 7 years, and the last 4 of those years being with Ironlak.

What techniques/methods do you use? Why?
My current themes of portraits I’m working on are all A2 size, so I’ve been filling backgrounds with spray-paint, then the main subject gets blocked in with 12mm Pump Actions, before pushing the smaller details with the 3mm and 1mm pumps.

I’ve seen you in action, smudging the ink from paint markers. When did you start using this technique?
I first picked up paint pens back in 2012 and found the nibs a lot of fun to work with. But it was just missing that element a brush has, the ability to cleanly mix two colours together with applying more paint. I figured other than carrying a brush and water on me (difficult since I did the majority of painting while sitting on the train/bus) I started pushing my fingers into the process and found it very easy to get the blends I was after.

Are your artworks determined by your methods or your methods by your artworks?
My techniques/methods are definitely determined by my artworks/pieces.
Where did the idea for the Viking designs come from?
When I first got into street art, I loved making stickers and pasteups, but I needed characters to represent who I am and one of the characters I came up was a fun lil ‘visual ambigram’. It was a design that could be viewed 2 ways: in one way it was a squid, the other, a Viking’s head. I called it SVS (SquidVikingSquid) in the early stages of design but I really enjoyed making them, and eventually, doing less of the squid and just focusing on the Viking aspect.

Who inspires you?
My main inspirations would have to be my wife and kids, they keep me grounded, focused and energized to be creative.
What inspires you? Do you have a muse?
Everything and everyone. I watch a tv show, see an Instagram post, even a simple conversation at work with a colleague has inspired an artwork.

Who are your top 3 artists of all time?
Of all time is a tough one. Definitely old-school painters like Van Gogh and street art influences of @obeygiant, and the insane talent with a spray can @sofles.
Who are your top 3 local artists?
Local – as in within Australia, I’d have to say @mattybro_art @lushsux and @stevefilters
Would you be interested in collaborating? Who with?
I love collaborating! And I can’t think of anyone that I would want to work with at the moment that I haven’t worked with already. I’m pretty easy going, so if people want to collaborate with me, they only need to ask.

What are some of the upcoming projects and events that you’re taking part in?
This will be my second year doing Inktober, so looking forward to that personal challenge, and I’m part of a group show called ‘home sweet home’ at Netherworld arcade on 7th November.
What does the future hold?
Who knows. I just take each day as it comes. Everyday I wake up with new ideas and characters waiting to hit the paper, I’ve been doing more tutorial classes with local schools which has been fun, and always trying to include myself in Brisbane’s art scene whether it be art shows or festivals.