Nasa Stair MMX | Lincoln Mill, Huntsville, AL.

Artist: BECK, Chandler Hayes.
Photos: Leon Bell.

“There are 4 levels to the stairwell and we are trying to collaborate with a different artist on each one. This was our first one.

“The name comes from the fact that the stairwell was built for NASA when they moved some of their department to that building.”

NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak

NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak

NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak

NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak

NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak

NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak

NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak

NASA, BECK, graffiti, Ironlak

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