Welcome to a new spot on lak.com called ‘Your favourite writers favourite writers’. The concept is super simple – we’re talking to some of the best in the game and asking them to list writers or artists who they consider some of their favourites.
Next up we got in touch with our Chicago spray master mate MERLOT and got her take on who’s doing it!
“Rime has been an influence of mine from the beginning; I remember, in high school, printing out photos of his pieces, taping them to the inside of my school notebook and just nerding out and dissecting them during class.
“He’s always been a fascinating one to watch, and to see his style continue to evolve is something that really motivated me to continue pushing myself and trying new things.”

“Begr is someone I’ve watched from afar and always taken a huge a liking to his work.
“He has always been very consistent in what he does, with quality, quantity and growth, and I’ve admired that for a while.
“One of the most humble people i’ve had the pleasure of meeting and within the most recent years has become a big influence on my work today.”

“Wane is a true style master.
“Someone who is always consistently producing high quality work. And with someone who is already a master as his craft, he is always trying to find new ways to take things to the next level.
“A hard worker who loves what he does and always comes with great energy.”

To see more from MERLOT hit her up on Instagram @merlotism