GRAFFUTURISM | “Young & Free” Review – San Francisco, USA.

Here’s a photo recap and review of 941 Geary’s “Young & Free” Exhibition in San Francisco, courtesy of Graffuturism.

Photos: Mike Bam.

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Graffuturism, San Francisco, 941 Geary, Artwork, Ironlak

Here are some pictures from the opening of “Young & Free” which opened last week at 941 Geary in San Francisco. In the words of their site, “Young & Free will be the most significant exhibition by Australian street artists ever seen in the United States. The show will feature fresh work by thirteen of Australia’s finest urban art guerrillas – from the already internationally acclaimed to the burgeoning up-and-comers.

This tribe of artists comes from a variety of backgrounds: brilliant new work by notorious 80’s train painters through to the sublime subtlety of a modern day Rembrandt armed with a spray can.

Young & Free is a reflection of Australia’s thriving street culture with a strong grounding in the past and a firm focus on the future. These artists are modern day bushrangers, patrolling the lane from Melbourne to Manhattan.”

We had seen a nice buildup of press for the event. With a talented roster of artists like this which included Anthony Lister, Kid Zoom, Dabs Myla, Dmote, New2, Ben Frost, Meggs, Ha-Ha, Reka, Rone, Sofles and Vexta at a large gallery like 941 Geary, we expected some great work to be showcased. We were not able to attend, but by looking at the pictures of the event courtesy of Mike Bam it seemed to be a very diverse showing of artists. Under the title of street art, we were glad to see some top graffiti artists taking part in the show. It is always nice to see writers being acknowledged and given the opportunity to exhibit alongside some of the more revered street artists. Overall we really liked the contrast of all the artists different styles involved. Each sticking to their strengths even in a group environment was nice to see. This looked to be more than just another group show. I applaud the curator for taking the direction of building a true group exhibition. Group exhibitions can become very singular at times, the overall feeling of this show seemed to be more cohesive. Even with so many differing styles it worked. Great job all around. –Graffuturism.

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