EWOK & MR WANY demo at 567 King (NSW)

“As you may have seen on the social medias, EWOK & MR WANY came to Australia again over an incredibly action packed eight days recently. While in the southern hemisphere we though it’d be good to pay our mate Mik at 567 King in Newtown a visit!

After finishing a mammoth painting job that took the better part of 10 hours, the boys hit the hay for a few hours and rose early for our 6:30am flight across the border. We scrambled for a park at the airport, passed security, hit a coffee (MR WANY being Italian he’ll die without his morning espresso!) and arrived at the gate just in time for boarding. Another hour of shut-eye on the plane and a hop-skip cab ride saw us at the front door of 567 King St, Newtown.

Mik and Bhoky greeted us kindly and gave us a quick history lesson on the store; it was interesting to learn that Bhoky grew up above the store and now works behind the counter, leaving me at the realisation that these guys have been doing business for quite some time! The boys took some Sugar to the freshly buffed wall out the back of the shop despite some concerning looking weather and slowly but surely heads started to roll through.

The short of it is; the sun came out, beers were drunk, the sugar was sweet and the wall got complete! Big shout outs to Mik and Bhoky for having us and the friendly cafe staff across the road, the OJ was goooood!”


567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak

567KING, EWOK, MR.WANY, BRT, graffiti, Ironlak



