Chromazone Festival, Minnesota’s first & largest public mural & art festival kicks off this weekend. Over the course of the festival 12 large outdoor murals will be created in St Paul’s premier creative hub by 15 mural artists. Chuck U is one of the Artists featured on the line up for the festival.

Chuck U is an Artist and Illustrator living and working in Minneapolis. You can see his work on Indeed brew cans, the sides of buildings, album covers, the walls of print collectors all over the world and once even a lottery ticket.
We checked in with Chuck ahead of the festival for a quick update.

Howdy Chuck, how did you get the chance to be involved with Chroma Zone Festival?
I saw mike 2600 post on Instagram about a mural fest he was helping put together having open submissions, it looked like fun so I submitted.

Do you have a theme in mind for your mural?
Yes, I’m mostly done with the planning. It’s going to be an underwater theme

How do you like to describe your work?
I mostly do pen and ink work mixed with digital illustration. But the last year or two have been trying to branch out and do more murals and stuff. It’s a lot of fun.

How are you going with your preparation?
Pretty good. Still a few questions that need answering and a few problems left to solve but I’d say it’s 95% planned out.

What excites you most about participating in the festival?
A new challenge. This will be my biggest mural to date, I’ve only done a few other murals so I’m excited to meet the other muralists, observe how they work, see if there’s any tips or tricks I can learn.
Instagram: @chuckU612