Ironlak Europe
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Budapest, Hungary – July, 2013.
Writers turned up in numbers at this years Ironlak BBQ Burners in Budapest, Hungary. Put together by the good people at Bazis Store, the day went off. Here’s a look at some of the goodness that went down. Photos: Bazis Store. Check out the rest of the finals on the BBQ Burners page.
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Budapest, Hungary – July, 2013. Read More »
SLEEPS & BATES | Malmo, Sweden.
BATES played the good host to big SLEEPS from Los Angeles while he was in Sweden back in August. You can’t go wrong with chrome.
MR WANY ‘Meeting of Allstars’ Graffiti Festival | Istanbul, Turkey.
MR WANY got down to Istanbul for the ‘Meeting of Allstars’ Festival back in June. There he was joined by some of Europe’s most renowned writers including AROE, KENT, CANTWO, AMOK156 and FLYING FORTRESS. Here’s a small report of his time there “This summer before my trip to Beirut I spent two days in Istanbul,
MR WANY ‘Meeting of Allstars’ Graffiti Festival | Istanbul, Turkey. Read More »
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Vienna, Austria – August, 2013.
On a steaming hot summer day, hoards of likeminded writers from all over Europe congregated at the legal walls by the Danube River in Vienna to take part in the Ironlak BBQ Burners. Apparently the BBQ hotplate wasn’t the only surface that could burn you on this 40+ degree day. STORM was in attendance, here’s
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Vienna, Austria – August, 2013. Read More »
DOES & MR WANY in Abu Dhabi.
DOES and MR WANY made a trip to the Middle East and painted this record breaking structure in Abu Dhabi along with TASSO, MR DHEO, NASH, ROIDS, KARSKI, BONZAI, BEYOND, NASE, TELMO, MIEL, SAT ONE, KOAN, TREZE, SWK, FINS, CASE and ZEDZ. DOES got back to base camp in the Netherlands and sent us this
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Bucharest, Romania – August, 2013.
On the 24 and 25 of August – Bucharest hosted BBQ Burners, organised by UrbanArt Association. 15 Romanian artists and two International artists got together, at the crossroads between Stirbei Voda street and Berzei street: to paint, to eat BBQ, to drink and to have a good time. Special thanks to all the artists: Allan
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Bucharest, Romania – August, 2013. Read More »
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Paris, France – April, 2013.
Paris played host to the BBQ Burners in conjunction with Creastreet store. Writers from all over turned up to transform The frontside of Gare expérimentale on Avenue Lucien Descaves, the heavyweight line-up included 1/MORNE, BESOK, TWORODE, LAZOO, JAZY, WUZE, SAN, WUZE, ESPER, RAPH, PAPI. Together they pumped out this awesome insect themed masterpiece.
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Paris, France – April, 2013. Read More »
MURO CRACIA | Tenerife, Spain (Video).
Iker Muro painted this Ironlak themed wall through the night in conjunction with Comercial Pestano in Tenerife, The Canary Islands – Spain. More info:
ATOME | Candybar Series.
ATOME never stops with the funk filled outlines. Recently he’s been mixing up the palette to create what he calls the ‘Candybar Series’ and it’s pretty clear why he’s called it this. “Thought I’d send you some of the ‘Candybar Series’ I’ve been doing in-between the usual ‘letter gymnastics stylee pieces’. These have been a
MR WANY in Beirut.
MR WANY made a trip to Beirut, Lebanon recently. Here’s a little teaser of what’s to come.