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Some gruesome walls went down over the Halloween period. We asked people to use #Ironlakhalloween on Twitter and Instagram. Here are a few of the fatalities.
MR WANY got over to ROYAL ARENA Festival in Switzerland for his sixth consecutive year running. Here’s a little spiel from the man on his time spent at the Swiss hip-hop festival. “Here’s a little video and some photos from my trip to Royal Arena Festival this year. Royal Arena is one of the better
MR WANY and SMAKE join in on the October 31st antics with these Halloween coloured pieces in Milan!
Serval had some left over Lak from the last piece he did. So in true good form he pumped out a few more. “I decided to vary style and techniques. Some were painted very fast (like the white one with explosions) others with more time (like the big spacey whole building side). I varied styles
After a short trip to Abu Dhabi (see blogpost here) DOES made his way to South America, Ecuador in particular. Here’s a breakdown of the trip by the man himself. Four weeks on the road. After my two week stay in a super luxurious hotel in Abu Dhabi I was scheduled for another project in
DOES gives us a little insight into his trip to Ecuador. This is just the tip of the iceberg so check back for the full blog post soon. But for now… More info:
Here’s some follow-up flicks from our mate RELAY going hard over the Summer months in London.
On the 18th of August the Ironlak BBQ Burners took place in the cultural hub of Berlin. Hosted by our mates at Graffiti Box Shop the day was a huge success with a solid crew rocking up for the good times, food and paint. The team at Graffiti Box Shop give us the recap. “On
Ironlak BBQ Burners | Berlin, Germany – August, 2013. Read More »
Be afraid, Halloween is creeping up on us. Join in on the pre-Halloween antics; rock a ghoulish production and post it up on instagram or Twitter using #ironlakhalloween and @ironlak. We’ll post the most bloodcurdling pieces on on the Ironlak blog once the darkness passes. Bonus points if the Ironlak Halloween colour is featured heavily