After spending many years abroad honing skills, Knock has come back to his original spawning grounds to represent a new fresh take on his world’s visited past and future.
Definitely influenced by Japan’s mystery and rich cognitive soup this new collection depicts the BIOSPHERE that amalgamated for over a decade of exploration, expulsion, and inducement around our planet’s amazing eco-systems.
We checked in with Knock ahead of his show at Level Up Studios in Fremantle, WA this past weekend.

Yo Knock, tell us a little about your exhibition.
BIOSPHERE is an amalgam of recent works I’ve been working on whilst living in various parts of Japan over the last two years. Spanning over five rooms of immersion: each room involves a different medium, instillation, smell, and visuals.
How are you going with your preparation?
Preparation is going well, I have been doing 18 hour days for the last two weeks just going through the lists and creating the larger scale aerosol works. Locked away in late-night studio vibes. Everything is on track though and I’m looking forward to unveiling in it on Friday.

How did the chance to put on a show come about?
The crew at LEVEL UP STUDIOS invited me to partake in a two week artist residency straight off the plane from Japan. So as soon as I arrived I started working on the show within the space I was exhibiting.
How would you describe the work that you’re putting together?
The body of work I’ve been creating is built up from many parts. A lot of it is based off the natural structures of flora and fauna but not of the ecosystems we know. Biosphere is a compendium of studies built from multi-medium practises. I have been experimenting with a lot of different lighting state changes and multi-room immersion over the last few years now I can bring it back to Australia and share it with people over here.

Have you had any challenges?
There have been many challenges involving the time restrictions and various other elements but usually, when something goes wrong that’s out of my control I’ll just go painting outside to clear my head and rock a piece somewhere to gain clarity, haha.
What excites you most about the show?
Im really looking forward to see how this multi-sensory experience is received from the various demographics that will be attending. I don’t think anything like this has reached Fremantle/Perth as it is the most isolated city in the world. It will be exciting to get people’s feedback on opening night.

Is there anyone you’d like to give a shout out to?
I’d like to give shout outs to all of INSTINCT DRIVEN crew, Emile Zola Smith who made the amazing promo video for the show, LEVEL UP STUDIOS for inviting me, DESTROY for hosting me and most of all my amazing mother…
Any comments you’d like to add? Anything extra you’d like people to know?
Private viewings can be arranged by appointment. I will be having a closing event/artist talk on the evening of the 22nd October at 7—8pm for people who couldn’t make it on Friday and want to delve deeper into the processes and concepts behind the show. Level Up Studio: 24 Cliff Street Fremantle WA 6160

Find Knock online at
Instagram: @k_n_o_c_k