Recent Press: THE WIRE – Perth, W.A.
Ironlak Limited Edition Cans (Augor, Banos, Reals) featured in “The Wire” pullout section from The West newspaper in Western Australia. Thanks to The Butcher Shop.
Ironlak Limited Edition Cans (Augor, Banos, Reals) featured in “The Wire” pullout section from The West newspaper in Western Australia. Thanks to The Butcher Shop.
“Yo Sirum! I was out of commission for a while but finally got to take a crack at your sketch. I love the flow and shape it was a blast to paint. I was having trouble getting the “e” to bang the right way (might have had to do with the burnt out car remnants,
Keep your eyes open for these in a store near you. Collect them all; Posters by Pose, Sofles and Storm/Gebes are floating around now.
A sneak peak preview of KC Ortiz’s photo essay on the legacy of Agent Orange in Vietnam is now up. The full story will be out soon, but to see some photos for now head over to Heavy shit kids.
“Myself and Aeon were painting on the weekend just past and had a visit from these kids with some carers from a remote Aboriginal camp in SA… They had never seen graffiti being painted live before and were totally stoked!” – Sirum.
“Augor is taking the role of producer for the 7th day project in August starring none other than MR.BONKERS !! This is going to be fucking intense. Augor stopped by to check out the 4th scene filmed for his 7th day and toss around a few ideas for certain shots.” “Ironlak as always came through
Ironlak supplied some paint for the recent MSK 20 year reunion jam in LA. Here are few photos of the jam from Push MSK.
Get your hands on a copy of the new Innercity magazine which features Storm (Ironlak Team Europe) on the cover and also a PhatOne (Ironlak Extended Family – NZ) feature. Click here for a preview.
We’ve just added a bunch of photos to the following Family profiles on ; Reals, Sirum, Sofles, Tues, Askew, Meks, PhatOne and Vans The Omega. Check all the photos out on each profile in the Family section here: Here are a few of the shots (Click for a blow up);
We’re gearing up to release Stage Two of the limited edition artist series cans. Pose’s Sushi, Askew’s Olivia & Tues Afterburn. Here’s a photo. We’ll reveal the Askew can soon. Pose’s Sushi & Tues Afterburn. Click for a blow up.
LIMITED EDITION ARTIST SERIES stage two. Pose & Tues. Read More »
We’re gearing up to release Stage Two of the limited edition artist series cans. Pose’s Sushi, Askew’s Olivia & Tues Afterburn. Here’s a photo. We’ll reveal the Askew can soon. Pose’s Sushi & Tues Afterburn. Click for a blow up.
LIMITED EDITION ARTIST SERIES stage two. Pose & Tues. Read More »