SIRUM | Section updated on
Our man Sirum from Melbourne has been traveling the world blessing surfaces everywhere with all sorts of graffiti nonsense. The moral of the story is we’ve finally updated his section so y’all can peep the goodness. See some of his efforts below, or visit his section here: SIRUM IRONLAK.COM to see them all. Click for
SIRUM | Section updated on
Our man Sirum from Melbourne has been traveling the world blessing surfaces everywhere with all sorts of graffiti nonsense. The moral of the story is we’ve finally updated his section so y’all can peep the goodness. See some of his efforts below, or visit his section here: SIRUM IRONLAK.COM to see them all. Click for
Fuckhead – Melbourne photographer.
Awesome stuff from a photographer in Melbourne. Check out his blog here: FUCK HEAD. Here’s some of his photos: Click for a blow up. Click for a blow up. Click for a blow up. Click for a blow up. Click for a blow up. Click for a blow up.
JAES | new piece based on sketch by Mare139.
“The other day my friend Mare139 gave me a call and told me he did a sketch for me. It was an honor to rock it, I decided to take his ideas and implement them into my own style to see what would happen not really knowing what kind of results I was gonna get.
JAES | new piece based on sketch by Mare139.
“The other day my friend Mare139 gave me a call and told me he did a sketch for me. It was an honor to rock it, I decided to take his ideas and implement them into my own style to see what would happen not really knowing what kind of results I was gonna get.
MEXICO CITY – Pose, Witnes & Hense.
“Just got back from the “just writing my name” jam in Mexico city with Witnes and Hense. All I can say is if you if you travel….GO to Mexico city, and definitely be on the look out for up and coming Mexican writers…. the scene is crazy and there is TONS of talent down there.
MEXICO CITY – Pose, Witnes & Hense.
“Just got back from the “just writing my name” jam in Mexico city with Witnes and Hense. All I can say is if you if you travel….GO to Mexico city, and definitely be on the look out for up and coming Mexican writers…. the scene is crazy and there is TONS of talent down there.
BLOODWARS magazine | Volume 2. Issue 3. Is out…
… and it’s dope! Click for a blow up. Download your copy here: Keep your eye out for the Ironlak advert inside.
BLOODWARS magazine | Volume 2. Issue 3. Is out…
… and it’s dope! Click for a blow up. Download your copy here: Keep your eye out for the Ironlak advert inside.
Sofles blesses Red Bull HQ Brisbane with a new set of wings. Video by Sofles & Selina Click for a blow up. “I painting this job for Red Bull on Sunday, which was set in motion after the Red Bull Wreckers Yard. It took eight hours of Red Bull fueled painting terror. I wanted