Here’s some of the latest from Ironlak Extended Family member PHAT ONE.

“This paint was fun two days in the hot Auckland sun during a time when its supposed to be getting cold. Shout to ASKEW first bro had a hard week with his health but is alot better thank God and Shouts to OCHE, CAN2 and YESMA…. Real classic style which can never be beaten!” –PhatOne.

PHAT ONE, ASKEW, OCHE, CAN2, YESMA, graffiti, Ironlak

“Painted a quick 2.5hour joint in Brisbane Australia with the Ironlak family.. Loving the battle arrows on the right of the peice… POW!” –PhatOne.

PHAT ONE, ASKEW, OCHE, CAN2, YESMA, graffiti, Ironlak

“Great to be painting again, been painting alot of jobs lately but back on the burns now. Done 5 peices this year so far but keeping those on the low, here is a goodie painted with SAVES TMD and DIVA TMD on background. ENJOY!” –PhatOne.

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